
Shawn has a long record of standing up for working people and taxpayers – and that will be the focus of his service as State Treasurer.

  • He will use his 20 years of private sector experience advising pension funds to maximize investment returns and ensure that Connecticut invests in the right priorities – job creation, infrastructure, pay equity and education.
  • He will hold government accountable and advocate for responsible spending and borrowing, just as he has done while serving the people of Hartford.
  • As President of the Hartford City Council, he helped close an inherited $50 million deficit by reducing wasteful spending, eliminating a city slush fund and cracking down on abuse of city-issued credit cards.
  • Shawn took on the city’s former mayor from his own party to fight for fiscal responsibility, while also pushing for economic development.
  • He believes the Treasurer has a duty to invest state pension funds to maximize returns and minimize risk, which protects taxpayers and helps workers receive the retirement benefits they have earned.
  • Shawn also will accelerate implementation of a retirement-security program that makes it easier for private sector workers to save for retirement at work - a program AARP estimates could save Connecticut over $90 million over the next 15 years.
